Responsive Website Designing

Responsive Website Designing

December 14, 2012

Responsive Website Designing as a Newer Phase of Web Designing

The internet world welcomed increased number of browsers and devices and it simultaneously brought about the need for the users to access your website easily and more conveniently over all the devices. The technological phases facilitated the users from the big screen computers to the ipads, iphones and smartphones and now, your website has become easy to view by increased number of users through all such devices.

Responsive Website Design

Earlier, mobile websites were keep running along your main website, but now, a revolution in web designing arena, named ‘responsive website design’ made it all works equally on all the devices. A responsive website comprises HTML 5 & CSS3, Media Queries, Flexible Media and Images through CSS or auto resizing and a flexible layout based of the grid using CSS of its relative sizes.

Numerous facts are there that play important role for responsive website design to make it effective and easy to access for your users and prospects. Hence, focussing over some important factors is essential.

Beneficial Aspects
The foremost facility with a responsively designed website is its compatibility at multiple platforms. Here, you can get your website run on any device and any web browser. A website is not just sufficient to a desktop or laptop user.

Here, the images are used strategically so that they can get adjusted as well as easily integrated with the mobile layouts. In the responsible web designing, the images are programmed to get resized to fit the requirements of a mobile layout.

Responsive web design technique protects the search engines to label the contents and texts at your website meticulously along with making the best usage of the sub-headings whenever it is required. In this way, the search engine monitors will not get confused while crawling on your mobile website as here the content of your website will not be compressed. Instead, it will be fit to their mobile screens.

As it covers around some beneficial aspects, this field is also surrounded with some challenges that should also be faced. Hence, being aware and careful is required as well.

Critical Aspects
If talking about the time limits, then responsive website design stuff takes much time than standard website design. It may also go longer when you are making the conversion of a standard designed website to a responsive one.

Usage of different devices is another challenging stuff for a website developer and designer in this case. The task becomes daunting at times with surrounding complexities.

Such case of web design involves the media queries for determining the correct layout and these queries are not generally recognized by the old browsers; hence, prevents displaying the mobile version.

Images lose their details when they are scaled out and it should be handled carefully, instead of just cropping down the images.
Smaller devices involve fewer spaces; hence, it seems quite challenging to navigate the design.

Although, the technique of responsive web design is quite popular; however, it is still a new one and requires regular monitoring to control the flaws.

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