Increasing demand of Magento Development

Increasing demand of Magento Development

March 24, 2013

Magento is an open source e-commerce application which is quite popular these days in technology world. It is an application which was designed using Zend framework. It uses one of the hi-end technologies of modern times i.e. entity attribute value database model for data storage. Magento Development is basically object-oriented programming (OOP). While, implementation of EAV model data storage module allows multiple websites and themes to run on the same layout and commands, same set of blocks and even the same database, which eventually makes this application ideal for e-commerce websites. Also, the latest version of Magento supports up to 60 languages which makes it more significant in international market.

Ever since the e-commerce companies created a boom in the market and leading multinational firms entered in the online retail business, Magento Development experienced massive demand. A study reveals that approximately 150000 sites are known to use Magento as web application platform. Yes, Magento application is especially designed in such a way that it allows online editing very easily therefore it is completely apt for e-commerce websites that requires refurbishments in regular intervals. Additionally one can create flexible product display options, mobile templates, transaction options, multi-store and multi-site functionality, user accounts and loyalty programs, product categorisation, shopper filtering, and discount and promotion rules through Magento application very easily which is comparatively difficult with other web based technologies.

As a web platform, Magento involves model-view-controller (MVC) model which gives the system a unique versatility and adaptability. This VMC model enables- engagement of a layout file to control what is displayed on each view, employing of “blocks” that can be inserted into any view through the layout, usage of model re-write system and coding features. Although, with many superlative features like data storage and speedy editing Magento application has certain drawbacks too; slow loading time is one of the major glitch. However this shortcoming is easily compensated by additional caching and database indexing.

Magento Development is a complex process which requires the developer to have a methodical knowledge and meticulous experience in php and html in order to set a customized website fully functional. People usually have a misconception that anyone with little or no technical knowledge can edit Magento functionality but one can get a professional and consistent website only when a skilled Magento developer creates it. Today this application is used by almost all leading e-commerce website including e-bay and it seems like world can see more advanced versions of this application very soon.

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