How To Reset Admin Password in Magento
January 20, 2017
As an
ecommerce website developer or
magento website developer, sometime we get the a situation when we forget the magento website admin access detail. To reset the password of any magento website is very simple. We just need to run a sql query. First you need to verify the database name. You can find out the database access detail from below file:
Magento Installation Directory/app/etc/
Open the file in any editor and you will get the following code
Now you can access the database through
phpmyadmin. Once you select the database, you just need to open sql tab and run the query:
For Magento 1.9 and older
UPDATE admin_user SET password = CONCAT(MD5('mypassword'), ':xx') WHERE username = 'ADMINUSERNAME';
For Magento 2:
UPDATE admin_user SET password = CONCAT(SHA2('mypassword', 256), ':xxxxxxxx:1') WHERE username = 'ADMINUSERNAME';
*Note: You need to replace following:
mypassword = with your password
ADMINUSERNAME : your admin user name
xx or xxxxxxxx : any random string with same length.
Once you will finish above execution, you will be able to login magento admin with new password.