How to change currency symbol in Magento?

How to change currency symbol in Magento?

March 24, 2012

Some day before, I got a task to change the currency symbol for New Zealand. After some research, i got the solution. Now I am putting the solution here for reference:

I had to change the currency symbol of New Zeland Dollar to NZ$. By default, the currency symbol for New Zeland Dollar is $.

For this, you need to edit lib/Zend/Locale/Data/en_NZ.xml

If you are confuse how I can choose this xml file, So reason behind is that my locale setting is set to English (New Zeland).

You can check you locale setting from

Admin Panel –> System –> Configuration –> GENERAL –> General –> Locale options –> Locale


– Open lib/Zend/Locale/Data/en_NZ.xml

Find the following code :

<currency type=”NZD”>

Just change $ to NZ$, so it will look like

<currency type=”NZD”>

upload the file and its almost done.

Now you need to clear you cache which you can do from Admin -> Setting -> Cache Management

If you have any question you can contact me here

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