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Almost everyone up till now believed that blogs were to be made in WordPress. That's true. But, have you ever tried to make a blog in CodeIgniter Framework? Yes, it is definitely possible and easy too. If you are a...

Have you seen people tracking multiple positions on Google Map? Yes, it is not a new thing to you but it becomes quite difficult for people to automatically update the multiple marker position on Google map dynamically. Here I have...

As an ecommerce website developer or magento website developer, sometime we  get the a situation when we forget the magento website admin access detail. To reset the password of any magento website is very simple. We just need to run...

Internet is progressing rapidly over time, and it has introduced with it a worldwide change. The enlarged use of Internet has brought new sorts of job opportunities, one of them is Freelance Web Development. Freelance Web Developer is the one...

Would you like to implement functionality of Getting Weather Information in PHP? Try Below Code. <?php //Note: appid can be obtained after login on $city="indore"; $country="in"; // By City Name //$url="".$city.",".$country."&appid=b1b15e88fa797225412429c1c50c122a"; // By latitude & longitude $url=""; $json=file_get_contents($url); $data=json_decode($json,true);...

Social media marketing has undoubtedly changed the game between companies that are constantly in competition with each other. Not only has social media allowed better access to customer thought and feedback it has also made it possible for companies to...

Magento Layered Navigation is really good for filter the product but problem is that, if we select any attribute like color or price all other attribute hide which are not related to selected attribute. To show all the attribute after...

Magento is really good eCommerce CMS in terms of functionality. Layered Navigation is really good feature of Magento to filter the product in frontend side. Only problem with the layered navigation filter is that it work with query string. for Example Another...

WordPress, is a hugely popular open source community platform which is also referred as a CMS. It's user friendly CMS that makes it very flexible and allows users to make the necessary changes as and when required. However, what makes...

Plugins, as the name suggest, are great tools which are used to enhance the functionality of WordPress blogs by addition of a wide range of useful features. They are basically pieces of code that are created or developed specifically to...